Admin’s Choice

Welcome to the Knowledge Guild Admin’s Choice page. The posts listed below are the personal favourites of the Knowledge Guild staff.

(N.B. The list is currently still being updated. We are aware that the list is lagging behind, but we do have over 5 years worth of publications to get through.)

  1. Certainty (05-09-2013)

  2. Political Spectrum (22-08-2013)

  3. Gehenna (12-08-2013)

  4. Odd City Names (11-08-2013)

  5. Lesbianism in Ancient Greece (02-08-2013)

  6. On Russell’s Teapot (01-08-2013)

  7. Styles of Government (21-07-2013)

  8. Sexy Son Hypothesis (12-07-2013)

  9. Handicap Principle (09-07-2013)

  10. Homosexuality in the Ancient World (01-07-2013)

  11. Apophasis and Praeteritio (20-06-2013)

  12. Dunglish (09-06-2013)

  13. Football War (03-06-2013)

  14. Schools of Ethics Compared (19-05-2013)

  15. Interesting Portuguese (10-05-2013)

  16. Chanson d’Automne (30-04-2013)

  17. Unknown Facts About The Kama Sutra (23-04-2013)

  18. A 19th Century History of Lesbianism (21-04-2013)

  19. Playing in Blinkers (20-04-2013)

  20. Pederasty in Ancient Greece (18-04-2013)

  21. Cultural Attitudes Towards Cunnilingus (16-04-2013)

  22. Blood On The Rooftops (11-04-2013)

  23. Tantric Sex (07-04-2013)

  24. Apotropaic Striptease (19-03-2013)

  25. Telicity (16-03-2013)

  26. Contradictory Bible Verses (04-03-2013)

  27. The Silver Medal Psyche (08-02-2013)

  28. Hoplophobia (19-01-2013)

  29. Ladybird (06-01-2013)

  30. Immortal Jellyfish (05-01-2013)

  31. Inverted Snobbery (‏ (30-11-2012

  32. Did Americans have British Accents in 1776? (23-11-2012)

  33. Patronymic‏ Names (08-11-2012)

  34. Dutch Monkey (30-10-2012)

  35. On Truth (26-10-2012)

  36. Innocent Gestures (19-10-2012)

  37. 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking (17-10-2012)

  38. The Mental Disorders of Winnie-the-Pooh Characters (13-10-2012)

  39. Tsutomu Yamaguchi (09-10-2012)

  40. Frotteurism and Chikan (27-09-2012)

  41. 16th and 17th Century Squirting (25-09-2012)

  42. Dabbawalas (24-09-2012)

  43. Heterochromia Iridis (22-09-2012)

  44. Why Do We Cry When Slicing An Onion? (21-09-2012)

  45. Sugar and Hyperactivity (17-09-2012)

  46. Cases of Ménage à Trois (15-09-2012)

  47. Victorian Prudery in Fashion (09-09-2012)

  48. Cleavage Theory (08-09-2012)

  49. Age of Consent (28-08-2012)

  50. Vrijvenster (23-08-2012)

  51. The Bad Popes (21-08-2012)

  52. Ideologies Explained with Cows (17-08-2012)

  53. A Comic Book Excerpt (10-08-2012)

  54. Difficult to Translate into English (09-08-2012)

  55. Unskilled (08-08-2012)

  56. Markan Priority and Q (03-08-2012)

  57. The Speed of Languages (28-07-2012)

  58. Prince Philip Movement (26-07-2012)

  59. Shoichi Yokoi (11-07-2012)

  60. Penalty Kick Psychology (28-06-2012)

  61. What Should Ladies Wear? (23-06-2012)

  62. Turtles All The Way Down (06-06-2012)

  63. Beetle Sperm (05-06-2012)

  64. The Tempest (epilogue) (31-05-2012)

  65. Desire Path (03-05-2012)

  66. Descended from Charlemagne (29-04-2012)

  67. Language Trivia (14-04-2012)

  68. Candiru (13-04-2012)

  69. Nobody Knows (05-04-2012)

  70. Menstrual Synchrony (02-04-2012)

  71. Shibboleth (01-04-2012)

  72. Hysterical [Adj.] (11-03-2012)

  73. Does 0.999…∞ Equal 1? (05-03-2012)

  74. António de Oliveira Salazar (18-02-2012)

  75. Elfstedentocht (09-02-2012)

  76. Characteristics of a Sect (06-02-2012)

  77. Bareux [Expl.] (27-01-2012)

  78. Buttons And History (24-12-2011)

  79. Paradoxical Undressing (15-12-2011)

  80. Ramsey and The Pigeonhole Principle (30-11-2011)

  81. Oktober (30-09-2011)

  82. Birds of a Truckload (20-09-2011)

  83. Left or Right? (19-09-2011)

  84. Falling Tree Paradox (18-09-2011)

  85. Buttered Cat Paradox (12-09-2011)

  86. Heads (19-08-2011)

  87. The Berners Street Hoax (17-08-2011)

  88. Skirt-based Finance (04-08-2011)

  89. On The Cynics (25-07-2011)

  90. On Bluffing (23-07-2011)

  91. 3.0321 (08-07-2011)

  92. English is a Complex Language (22-06-2011)

  93. The Good Samaritan Law (21-06-2011)

  94. The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (27-04-2011)

  95. Wish You Were Here (23-04-2011)

  96. Fecundism (23-02-2011)

  97. Ugly Law (03-02-2011)

  98. Method of Loci (14-01-2011)

  99. Polygamy [Noun.] (09-12-2010)

  100. Hierodule (29-11-2010)

  101. A Cunning Plan (13-07-2010)

  102. Oxymoron [Noun.] (08-06-2010)

  103. I Samuel 18:24-27 (22-05-2010)

  104. Echolalia [Noun.] (11-04-2010)

  105. Infinite Monkey Theorem (24-03-2010)

  106. A Sacrifice for your Country (05-03-2010)

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