29/ii mmxii

Queen Victoria smoked when in Scotland to keep midges away during picnics.

Queen Victoria of Briton

Queen Victoria of Great Britain

The creator of the London Eye shares the same birthday as Gustave Eiffel.

The Toyota MR2 is an embarrassing name in France, because “MR2” sounds similar to Emmerdeux, the French for Shit. Similarly, the Ford Pinto is embarrassing in Brazil, because Pinto is slang for Tiny male genitals.

Brendan Behan was asked to write an advertising slogan for Guinness. He wrote, “Guinness makes you drunk.”

The ancient Greeks believed that otters killed crocodiles by running into their open mouths, eating their entrails, and running out again.

Aeneas and the Origins of Rome

‘So who are these Romans anyway? According to legend Rome was founded by Romulus 753 B.C. However the story starts long before that, dating back to the time of the Trojan War.

Aeneas tells Dido the misfortunes of the Troja...

Aeneas tells Dido the misfortunes of the Trojan War

The ancient city of Troy was captured and destroyed in around 1250 B.C. by a Greek army led by Agamemnon, king of Mycenae. All of its inhabitants were either killed or led into slavery; all, except for a brave band of men led by the Trojan prince. Aeneas. This man, the son of the goddess Venus, was ordered to set out from the burning city, carrying the household gods, with his aged father Anchinses on his back and holding his young son Ascanius (or Iulius) by the hand. After many adventures and a long dangerous journey, Aeneas eventually arrived in Italy where he fought with a local prince, Turnus, for the hand of Lavinia, daughter of king Latinus. After defeating Turnus, Aeneas married the girl and built a new city called Lavinium. These stories are told in Virgil’s great epic poem the Aeneid.

Aeneas’s son, Ascanius, soon left Lavinium and went off to found his own city. It was in this city, Alba Longa, many generations later, that the true founder of Rome, Romulus, was born.’

– Oulton. N.R.R. 2010. So You Really Want To Learn Latin Book I Tenterden, Great Britain: Galore Park Publishing (1999) p. 14

Sheepskin [Noun.]

1. The skin of a sheep, especially when used to make parchment or in bookbinding.

2. (United States of America) A diploma.

3. The tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on, especially when used for clothing, rugs etcetera.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12

11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts,

12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

See other: Often Ignored Bible Verses

Henry V (act IV scene viii)

King Henry [To Gower, Williams, Warwick, Gloster, and Exeter.]

(…) ‘O God, thy arm was here,
And not to us but to thy arm alone
Ascribe we all! When, without stratagem,
But in plain shock and even play of battle,
Was ever known so great and little loss
On one part and on the other? Take it, God,
For it is none but thine.’

– Reed International Books Ltd. 1992. The Illustrated Stratford Shakespeare London, Great Britain: Chancellor Press (1996) p. 465