Chinese Whispers

When a story is told from person to person, especially if it is gossip or scandal, it inevitably gets distorted and exaggerated. This process is called Chinese whispers.

Chinese Whispers is also a name for a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group.

Errors typically accumulate when the story is repeated, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly, from the one uttered by the first.

Homonym‏ [Noun.]

‘We use the term homonyms when one form (written or spoken) has two or more  unrelated meanings, as in these examples:

bank (of a river) – bank (financial institution)
bat (flying creature) – bat (used in sports)
mole (on skin) – mole (small animal)
pupil (at school) – pupil (in the eye)
race (contest of speed) – race (ethnic group)’

– Yule, G. 1985. The Study of Language Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press (2010) p. 120

Door-in-the-Face Technique

The door-in-the-face technique is a persuasion method. Compliance with the request of concern is enhanced by first making an extremely large request that the respondent will obviously turn down, with a metaphorical slamming of a door in the persuader’s face. The respondent is then more likely to accede to a second, more reasonable request than if this second request were made without the first, extreme request.

It is suggested this as a form of reciprocity, for instance; the first request creates a sense of debt or guilt that the second request offers to clear. Alternately, a reference point may explain this phenomenon, as the initial bad offer sets a reference point from which the second offer looks like an improvement.

For example:
“Will you donate thousand pounds to our organization?” [Response is no].
“Oh. Well, could you donate ten pounds?”

“Can you help me do all this work?” [Response is no].
“Well, can you help me with this bit?”


Pantyology examines the role of female psychology in the selection of women’s underwear. The informal study of pantyology reveals the female’s underlying motivations behind the choice of her garments and uncovers personality-linked secrets. The main categories are:

Polarized Chat-box
Never one to shy away from confrontation. She can be quite passionate in your point of view, taking a deeply entrenched black-or-white stance, but her desire to be right often causes strain in your relationships. She wants to be perceived as tough, but you’re quite sensitive, and secretly playful. While she has a strong sense of order, she would love to experience a spontaneous moment of excitement, a chance to break free from your boundaries, challenge herself, and escape in a new adventure.

Porcelain Duchess
She reveals her conservative nature, more specifically; her fear to take risks. She has grown up quickly and she is wise beyond her years. Behind her culture and well-mannered refinements, she seeks an escape from the mundane courtesies, from your social obligations, and more importantly, from your day-to-day life. While planning and playing it safe are the hallmarks of your personality, she is secretly aroused by danger, thrill-seeking, and reckless experiences. However, it’s healthy, and at times, necessary to step out of a comfort zone and take chances. How else can she experience growth and personal development if she doesn’t attempt to broaden her horizons?

The Pink Snowflake
Soft and delicate, unpredictable and fickle. Delicate to the touch, she is intemperate, turning into ice at a frosty encounter or melting in the face of a warm gaze. She has a sense of quality and refinement. She also has a strong desire to have a meaningful life, a sense of purpose, and to help others. She has chosen to give up your personal freedom and deny herself the power to take control and dictate what she wants for herself. She has a sense of quality and refinement. She also has a strong desire to have a meaningful life, a sense of purpose, and to help others. She has much to offer.

Velvet Dissonance
She is suave at pinpointing weakness with her bewitching charm as she evade suspicion in the pursuit of her heart’s delight. She is not interested in sweet nothings, homely comforts, kind words or gentle caresses: she would rather squeeze and slither in a writhing fit of passion.

Adventurous, thrill-seeking on the edge of her dangerous liaisons, she loves challenges, but her greatest rival is yourself, choosing image and façade over form and function, remaining anonymous to your identity in the face of her persona. A mystery wrapped in an enigma? More like a suit candy-coated with an agenda.

The Deadly Heroine
She pierces hearts like a needle full of adrenaline, stimulating her lovers with the sheer confidence to conquer anything or anyone–including her. If she has chosen these superhero panties, then she has decided to play the role of a deadly heroine, a seductress who inspires dizzying highs and trembling lows.

In her day to day activities, she is a leader, a rescuer, she has the need to do it all, but her impulsive drives and your natural inclination to assume full control of any and all tasks, exhibits a sign of distrust in others. She has a low frustration tolerance, easily angered by very minor annoyances because all aspects of her life are impossible to manage and navigate according to your perception of how her life “should” be lived. In relationships, she is easily seduced by the victim, who plays upon your need to feel needed, but over time, she transforms into the victim herself, and rather than rescue, she ends up harming those closest to her heart.

Scarlet Snow White
Happy Halloween! She’s chosen to be the so-called “Scarlet Snow White”. The costume lingerie reveals that she enjoys being the envy of others, setting the gold standard of achievement, while bewitching and seducing her lovers with the desire to rescue her from her wild and reckless self. She is impulsive, chasing the next fantasy to satisfy her fairytale delusions, searching for a “perfect” relationship that doesn’t exist, while discarding any and every potential prince charming who doesn’t measure up to her unrealistic expectations.

Rightfully Naughty
The Rightfully Naughty personality is quality controlled and clinically obsessed. Her choice of costume lingerie reveals her cautious side, playing it safe, taking the necessary time to assess and analyse information in painstaking detail before she makes a decision. She prizes etiquette, social values, and common courtesies, but secretly, she delights in breaking barriers and crossing boundaries that would otherwise be considered taboo and forbidden. In spite of her conservative facade, she has a strong sense of adventure, revelling in new opportunities that promise to stimulate her personal and professional growth. At times she can appear aloof, somewhat detached, and disengaged, however, her natural individuality inspires curiosity in others. At times, she can be intimidating and somewhat reserved, but people tend to enjoy her company, and over time, her integrity earns the trust and respect of those around her. In relationships, she can be somewhat particular, making pesky demands, trying to get all the pieces to fit perfectly together.

Hotshot Siren
The Hotshot Siren aims to turns heads and capture hearts! If this is her choice of costume lingerie, she is not a team player. The games she plays ensure that she are the centre of attention. Competitive by nature, she’ll bend and massage every rule that results with her on top. Highly opinionated, she has a strong sense of right and wrong, but she is also averse to conflict. Rather than confront difficult situations, she will keep quiet, tracking every situation that justifies her vengeful vindications. She flaunts, flirts, teases, and breaks hearts along her chaotic path towards disaffection. A woman of absolutes, she seeks the silver bullet – the one answer – the perfect mate – to solve her unsatisfied life.

Aeriel Gravity
If this is her costume lingerie, her romantic heights are an oscillating Aeriel Gravity, shifting between carefree whims and an inherent need for structure. She has a strong sense of style, very opinionated, detailed, and true to her exacting standards. There are times, however, when she is easily swayed by a honeyed tongue and a seductive smile. She loves to be pursued and desired. She craves recognition and approval. But beware: her need for positive reinforcement may result in unscrupulous people taking advantage of her kind nature.

Coquettish Schoolgirl
Her costume lingerie reveals her playful and manipulative nature, always acting innocent and naive but very cunning and skilfully seductive. Quite driven, always focused on her wants, she demand to finish on top! She can be difficult to satisfy, and frankly, she are very insatiable. At times her ambition may irritate others because her perpetual dissatisfaction may be interpreted as a form of ingratitude. She is the envy of her associates because they can’t keep up with her. In spite of her natural tendencies to thrive and succeed, she constantly put too much pressure on herself, and as a result, there is a part of her that seeks an escape.

A Salute To Unknown Brilliance

“There are no stupid questions, there are however a lot of inquisitive idiots.”

“I would like to help you out… which way did you come in?”

“When you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there is no end to what you can’t do.”

“Make it idiot-proof and someone will produce a better idiot.”

“Whenever your bladder is full – you go deaf.”

“These voices in my head may not be real, but they sure have some interesting ideas.”

“A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a work station.”

“The greater part of being intelligent is knowing what you are dumb at.”

“There is no egg in eggplant, no apple in pineapple, no ham in hamburger or hamster. No butter in butterfly. English is hard.”

See other: A Salute To …